مقاله های علمی- دانشگاهی | survey applied Heyazat mobahat the laws of Iran and Sunni Jurisprudence – 5 |
معین م۱۳۷۴٫فرهنگ فارسی معین.جلد اول.چاپ دوم.تهران:انتشارات امیر کبیر.
مکارم شیرازی ن.بی تا.القولعد الفقهیه.قم:چاپ مدرسه امیر المومنین.
نجفی م.بی تا.جواهر الکلام فی شرح شرائع الاسلام.جلد بیست و ششم.بیروت:دار الحیاء التراث العربی.
نجفی م.بی تا.جواهر الکلام فی شرح شرائع الاسلام، جلد شانزدهم و سی و هشتم.بیروت:دار الحیاء التراث العربی.
نظری ح.۱۳۸۵٫قاعده حیازت با رویکرد اقتصادی.چاپ اول.تهران:انتشارات بوستان کتاب.
فراهانی فرد س.۱۳۸۵٫محیط زیست: مشکلات و راه های برون رفت از منظر اسلام، فصلنامه اقتصاد اسلامی.سال ششم.
نزهت ا.۱۳۸۶٫بازپژوهی سببیت حیازت درتملک.فصلنامه حقوق دوره ی ۳۷ ،۴:۶۹-۷۴٫
survey applied Heyazat mobahat the laws of Iran and Sunni Jurisprudence
Heyazat mobahat include: (Seize And mastery of religiously sanctioned personal property such that it does not dominate the other features). Natural resources are the common property that the permissible scope It is owned and operated Heyzat. There are a wide range. Therefore, an important part of national wealth in any society is the public mobah. Such as marine resources, wildlife, forests, rivers, and underground mine. So Heyzat unconditional developments arising in our society facing an issue such as environmental degradation, etc. will follow. In the new social order, the Islamic State to protect the public interests of specific legislation, the Heyzat mobahat very limited. For example, accordance with Article 45 of the Iranian Constitution, all public wealth in the hands of Islamic rule has been established on the basis of material on which the decision is taken. Heyzat of means property but ownership is not anything but means property Heyzat. Do not tight the realm of life to others and the right to life does not deprive from others. If such proceed to Heyzat the mobah scope remains for others to be able to live with the business Heyzat is not considered. And Heyzat largely unrestricted, exclusive, and is not permitted. Heyzat condition is that intention and will be Heyzat, Because well as in defining the nature Heyzat it turns out, It is not coercive, but is a legal action that consistency is the intention and will. The legal affairs Heyzat mobahat, legal action and other legal acts, and survival is due to the fact that such work is intentional and based on intent. According to general principles of law is capable of acting on behalf of (lawyer, rentals, without being).
Key words: Heyzat mobahat,means property,intention,will,legal nature,survival,laws, jurisprudence.
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[جمعه 1401-09-25] [ 07:17:00 ب.ظ ]